Chris Fick & Associates

Why buyers should ask for building plans (and why sellers should supply them)

If, after a property buyer has taken transfer, it turns out that a structure on the property is unlawful for lack of local authority planning permission and approved plans, who must fix the problem? Does the buyer have any claim against the seller? We address those questions in the context of the general rule that […]

A Valentine’s Day thought for life partners: What is a “Universal Partnership”

Valentine’s Day is upon us, and it’s a great opportunity for couples in a life partnership to review their legal and financial relationships. Not having in place proper legal documentation to define those relationships puts both partners, and their families, at risk of dispute, heartache and financial distress. We discuss both the risks and the […]

You can (and should) both discipline and prosecute thieving employees

Our criminal courts report a new surge in a particular type of workplace monetary crime – serious thefts and frauds by those in the most trusted financial positions such as accountants and bookkeepers. Some of the amounts involved are mind-boggling. If you fall victim to such crime, what should you do? Lay charges? Institute disciplinary […]