Chris Fick & Associates

simple solutions to
complex legal problems

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Your will could be the most important document you ever sign. A recent court fight over a poorly-drafted joint will is a stark reminder to make sure that every word in it is correct. In a worst-case scenario, bad drafting will not only subject your loved ones to bitterly-contested litigation but can also put your last wishes at risk of not being honoured at all. All perhaps for the want of just one word. We’ll explain what went wrong in the case in question and show you how to avoid the destructive family fallouts that characterise so many inheritance disputes.

What happens if a buyer can’t get a mortgage bond as specified in the sale agreement but still wants to continue with the sale on a cash basis? In an ideal world, the buyer waives the bond clause, the sale survives, and both parties reap the rewards. But there are also risks involved if the process isn’t handled correctly. As seen in a recent case where a buyer wanted his R1m deposit back after a sale collapsed. The seller said the buyer had waived his rights, while the buyer argued that the sale was as dead as a Monty Python parrot after the bond clause deadline had expired. Let’s see what happened in court …

It’s an exciting time, buying a property. But don’t let your guard down – cybercriminals love the lucrative pickings on offer from property transactions, and they never sleep! We’ll discuss the recent Supreme Court of Appeal case of a widow who, in trying to pay over the purchase price of a house, lost her R5.5m when her email system was hacked and she fell victim to a textbook email scam. Why did the SCA rule against her? How should she have protected herself? We’ll address those questions and share 5 steps you should take immediately to avoid falling into the same trap.

“The conditional acceptance of an offer amounts to rejection of same and not the conclusion of a contract, but may be a counter–offer.” (Extract from judgment

“The golden rule for the interpretation of testaments is to ascertain the wishes of the testator from the language used. And when these wishes are ascertained,

“In life, we never lose friends, we only learn who the true ones are” (Unknown) Lending money to a friend or family member in need sounds

If, after a property buyer has taken transfer, it turns out that a structure on the property is unlawful for lack of local authority planning permission

Valentine’s Day is upon us, and it’s a great opportunity for couples in a life partnership to review their legal and financial relationships. Not having in

Our criminal courts report a new surge in a particular type of workplace monetary crime – serious thefts and frauds by those in the most trusted

Media reports of the recent Constitutional Court decision holding a section of the Divorce Act unconstitutional and giving Parliament 24 months to remedy that haven’t always