Chris Fick & Associates

The ARH website is now live:

Who should join this?

Attorneys who want to market and sell the properties of their clients.

What does the website offer?

It offers proptech tools and guidance for attorneys to market and sell properties better, easier and more cost efficiently.

What does it cost?

Right now it will cost new members nothing for the first 3 months. In other words, no joining fee and no monthly subscription for the first 3 months of membership. Then decide if this is for you, or not. We are happy for you to “try before you buy”.

What’s in it for property owners/sellers?

Commission is capped at 2,5% + VAT. Virtual Reality Tours. Pre-qualifying of buyers. Your property marketed and sold better, more professionally and more cost-efficiently.

What’s in it for buyers?

Education and assistance with the buying process. Assistance with mortgage bond applications. Assistance with FLISP subsidies, where applicable.

Properties are uploaded through the website and syndicated to Property 24 and Private Property (and 9 other websites, if you prefer).

For more information, contact Meyer de Waal at, Charlene Nolte-Joubert at, Giles Buswell at or Chris Fick at (021-424 3937 / 082 491 0032).”

This article is a general information sheet and should not be used or relied on as legal or other professional advice. No liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions nor for any loss or damage arising from reliance upon any information herein. Always contact your legal adviser for specific and detailed advice. Errors and omissions excepted (E&OE).