Chris Fick & Associates

Most property owners in Cape Town have already received their new property valuation from the City of Cape Town.

On 31 January 2019 the Municipal Valuer certified the 2018 Municipal Roll (GV2018). The 2018 Municipal Valuations of properties is currently available for viewing.  If you are a property owner and haven’t received a notice of valuation for your property yet, you can get one online at:

This online viewing is available for the period 21 February 2019 to 30 April 2019.

There are also time schedules for people who want to personally go into the City’s offices and view the valuations roll. This walk-in-person viewing is available from 21 February 2019 to 29 March 2019. The schedule for the in-person viewing can be found at:

If you disagree with your property valuation provided by the City, you can submit an objection during the period outlined above.

You may object to any information displayed on the GV2018, as long as you are able to support your objection. It is up to you as the objector to prove that the market value assessment is wrong. Note that comparable neighbouring valuations do not imply that the valuation is wrong, and cannot be used as the only factor in motivating an objection.

Objections must be lodged on the prescribed objection form.

No late objections will be accepted.

Objections must be properly motivated.

Objections can be submitted via email:  or through the City’s web services:  or in person at one of the 32 venues on the in-person viewing schedule above.

The results of GV2018, including the new municipal rates payable by property owners, will be implemented on 1 July 2019.

If you need assistance with your objection, contact us at or 021 424 3937.

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