Chris Fick & Associates

An interesting article on a new “sky pool” in London was published in the CapeTownEtc recently: It goes on to compare our local pools with the new London pool, which led me to recall a discussion I had recently with a client on the hot water springs in the Western Cape and South Africa in general.

One of the most interesting and rewarding aspects of practising law, is the many people from all walks of life and interests that we meet when they consult us to seek advice, require assistance to solve problems, and to resolve disputes.  Sometimes the consultation ends in a general chat about something interesting or surprising.

Recently I consulted with a new client about a sectional title matter, and afterwards we got talking about my trip last November to iSimangaliso (, (“the place of miracles and wonder”, in isiZulu) and more recently to the bulb capital of the world, Nieuwoudtville, to look at the March Lilies and the Groenrivier ruins (Nieuwoudtville).

My client had fascinating information about his many trips across South Africa and his visits to the many hot water springs all over South and Southern Africa. He is an endless source of information on these springs, their different qualities, health benefits and facilities. When he heard that I learnt to swim in the Caledon hot water swimming pool, he offered to send more information to me about the Caledon spring and of springs in the Western Cape. The variety of hot water springs in the Western Cape is quite something. Chapter 7 of Boekstein’s book gives wonderful details on the Hot Water Springs of the Western Cape.

Here is a link to an article on the best springs in South Africa (12 Of The Most Stunning Thermal Hot Springs In South Africa. The Last One Blew Us Away. – South Africa Travel Blog (

I think I may just have to visit a hot spring resort this winter.

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