Chris Fick & Associates

Buying Property as an Investment – Some Strategies for Success

“The only bad time to buy property is later.” (Steve Bolton) Buying property – whether to live/work in or on a buy-to-let basis – could be one of the most important investments you make. Here are some strategies to help you on your way. Twelve strategies for success Map out your investment goals: Do you […]

Property: Green shoots, agent’s commission and Fidelity Fund Certificates

Dollar billionaire Andrew Carnegie said it a century ago, and it still rings true – wise property investment can be hard to beat when it comes to accumulating wealth. The exciting opportunity for buyers at the moment is of course the more attainable sale prices and the lower interest rates resulting from the pandemic and […]

Can you sue a bad investment advisor? It depends…

If you want to send shivers down the spine of any investor, mention “Steinhoff”, or “Sharemax”, or any one of the many other spectacular corporate collapses that have plagued both local and overseas investors in recent times. Quite apart from the high-profile failures it’s been a hard few years for investors generally, and if your […]

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