Maintenance claims and life partners

More and more couples are opting to live together as permanent life partners rather than enter into a formal marriage. The risk for such couples is that whilst our law is steadily (if slowly and cautiously) extending many of the protections of formal marriage to unmarried life partners, that process is not by any means […]
The Pandemic and Business Interruption Cover – Can You Claim?
It’s no surprise that our media has been awash with reports on the recent High Court judgment around a restaurant’s business interruption cover claims. The restaurant in question, like many other businesses of all types and sizes, has been suffering severe losses from being forced to close (and latterly trade under very limited conditions) during […]
Don’t lose your claim to prescription – Know the law!
“Ignorantia iuris nocet” (old Roman proverb meaning “Not knowing the law is harmful”) Most of us know how important it is to sue our debtors well before prescription permanently takes away our right to claim. But what if you did nothing until it was too late because you didn’t even know you had a claim […]