Dear Colleagues/Mediators
AIM Mediation Café – “Why are mediators only focussed on mediation?” [Is mediation a sustainable profession?] – Ibrahim Patelia: Attorney, Mediator, Arbitrator, Trainer, Assessor and Academic. Many newly trained mediators are faced with the unenviable prospects of being trained, inspired, perhaps passionate about mediation and disappointingly left without much work. The discussion will engage on the possibility of generating work in the field of conflict prevention by using our skills as mediators in advance of any need for mediation. A provocative and significant example of the Marikana Conflict will be utilised to assess the potential work opportunities which exist in organisations. · The Cape Town Club (18 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town) · Wednesday 14 September 2016 at 4:30pm for 5:00 pm · No charge. (Some drinks and snacks will be provided and a cash bar will be available) Please RSVP to Find us at: |